Saturday 9 July 2016

[TIP] Things One Need To Know About Windows 10


Windows 10 is a historic release for Microsoft. There is so much about it that is disruptive, some in good ways and some in bad, whereas so much about it that's entirely new and unprecedented.

1. There's loads of stuff for touch, but it's different stuff

Designed to appeal to experts and novices alike, Microsoft was at pains to point out that it hasn't given up on touch with the new OS. The Charms bar remains for the moment although we expect it to die if you're using a non-touch PC. Microsoft says it wants to support touch users who have persevered with Windows 8 and "evolve" the touch UI. The task switching will no longer work on the left. So with that and the charms going, that's goodbye to most of the problem with Windows 8 - and a whole philosophy down the pan.

2. Start Menu : "I'll be Back"

As we've covered before, the e most noticeable change is the new Start Menu, which looks somewhat like the old start menu. It brings some features from the Windows 8.1 Start Screen, such as live tiles, and can be resized.

3. Task View Redefined 

Now the Windows 8 task switcher has been unceremoniously dumped, there's a new Task View in Windows 10, too, so users can switch between virtual desktops.That's because Microsoft now recognises that novice users use the taskbar rather than switching in other, cleverer, ways such as Alt+Tab which also now switches between muli-desktops.

4. Snap At A Glance

A new Snap Assist feature also helps users work out which way is best to snap apps to. You can snap windows into new screens and tile Windows - just as you've been able to since Windows 2.0 or maybe 3.0.

5. The Command Prompt enters the 21st Century

Another quite amazing feature for those of us that use it is that the command prompt is now getting keyboard shortcuts! So you will be able to paste in your commands! Hardly groundbreaking, but actually pretty exciting.

6.  Windows Explorer with Improvements

A new Home location is the new default view in Windows Explorer. There's also a Share button on the Windows Explorer taskbar (we really hope this is in the context menu, too).

7. Continuum - the special one

This is the best new thing we found out today. Continum is an on-the-fly mode for 2 in 1 devices that can automatically change mode if it detects there is suddenly no keyboard attached. So, for example, a back button appears to help you navigate the Desktop with touch if the keyboard is removed. We reckon the charms will also disappear in non-touch mode, although we've heard conflicting news about that.

8. Windows 10 Universal apps

Windows 10 will also usher in a new app model - Universal Windows apps. Windows Universal apps are the new name for Metro apps/Modern apps/Windows Store apps.  Windows 10 is able to run on all devices from phones to servers and there will be a single app store across the lot.

9. Apps float on the Desktop

The new Universal apps also work on the desktop and 'float' in their own Windows. Microsoft wants to banish the separation between the Modern UI and the Desktop. These 'modern' apps on the desktop have an icon for more options - replacing the commands that used to be in the charms on the right-hand side of the screen.

10. Windows 10 for Business and Enterprise

Microsoft says it hopes to appeal to business with this release of Windows, more so than Windows 8 ever did. Belfiore said they were "starting the dialogue with businesses today". New features are packed for the business and enterprise.

Author : Saatvik Awasthi

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